Call for Speakers
Panel Expression of Interest
Due by February 28, 2020
The Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance will be holding our annual Energy Efficiency Summit April 30, 2020 in Calgary, Alberta. We are very pleased that your organization is interested in participating as a presenter or in putting together a relevant panel of subject matter experts. Thank you!
Key topics are the 2020 Energy Efficiency Summit are planned around the theme of Jobs and Technology in Energy Efficiency, including areas of success, opportunity, policy gaps and action needed in achieving the job creation, cost savings and emissions reduction benefits of EE. Breakout streams are being planned in municipal programming and financing, and energy management and benchmarking in commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.
By completing and submitting this expression of interest, you are agreeing to i) deliver on the stated presentation or panel plans, if accepted at AEEA’s sole discretion, and ii) any associated photos, descriptions and contact information to be used by the Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance in 2020 Energy Efficiency Summit planning and e-mail or other communications.